
Making Bangladesh seaports sub-regional hubs

Bangladesh and India are set to sign an agreement this...

Developing home-grown professional managers

A challenge awaits us in the near future, when finding...

First aid: Foremost in ensuring everyday safety

Though we hope this would never come true for you,...

Addressing the quality of engineering education

Although the number is not exactly known, density of unemployed...

Making taxation system reform central focus of public policy development

The taxation system in Bangladesh has proved to be very...

Agricultural gene drives - a bigger danger than GMOs  

First, the agribusiness giants came to take our land and...

Mid-term election takes centre stage in America  

There is a common perception that democracy, by and large,...

Emergence of sukuk bonds in capital market

Sukuk is commonly referred to as sharia-compliant bonds or Islamic...

Demand side financing in healthcare in Bangladesh

Currently, many low-and middle-income countries provide demand-side financial incentives (DSF)...

Durga Pujo festivities are here!

It is that time of the year when even the...

Will new technologies help or harm developing countries?

New technologies reduce the prices of goods and services to...

Nobel economics prizes with a futuristic view

William Nordhaus from Yale University and Paul Romer of New...

Hilsa conservation: Launching focused awareness building campaign

To ensure the safe spawning of the nation's much loved...

Regulating LNG market

Bangladesh has started importing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from August...

Making financial inclusion faster through fintech

Financial inclusion efforts seek to ensure that all individuals, households,...

Justice for the Rohingyas, the most persecuted minority in the world

The United Nations (UN) has released a 440-page damning report...

Paradigm shift in financing infrastructure needs

Previously at the initial stages of development, moving a worker...

International Standards and Fourth Industrial Revolution  

Imagine a world where your credit card would not fit...

The awkward balance

It's said that fuller prescriptions for bailouts aren't handed out....

Why we need perfect satellite towns  

Even 10-12 years ago, the photographs of river erosions and...

Prospects of Shari'ah-based global value chain finance

Islamic finance has been defined as finance in consonance with...

Will the middle class be the country's agent of change?

The world is reaching a tipping point, where the global...

Economic outlook 2030: Bangladesh on a stable course

Bangladesh had a GDP growth of 7.86 per cent in...