
Employment strategies for Bangladesh

Job creation is an immense challenge for Bangladesh. The Labour...

Innovation in financing sustainable development

Bangladesh is facing significant development challenges while addressing the sustainable...

Creating an unbroken circle: Towards a greener RMG future

"Will the circle be unbroken?" Ada Habershon asked that question...

Rebasing the GDP

The government has decided to rebase the country's Gross Domestic...

Understanding complex challenges of disaster displacement

In Bangladesh, displacement and suffering experienced from natural disasters such...

Banking sector: Calling spade a spade

It was a surreal experience and disconcerting to, the few...

WB loan: Mobilising private sector participation to help expand renewable energy

In the face of growing alarm of global climate change...

The case for a bold economics

At the end of 1933, John Maynard Keynes sent a...

Agri trade: Systematic planning can deliver a lot

It remains a matter of deep regret that in spite...

Of 'thinking caps' & 'kings of shit'

In Cox's Bazar's Kutupalong refugee camp, where over half a...

Banking on refugees

Every minute, on average, 31 people are displaced - forced...

The looming UK Brexit mess

Initially, London's goal was to wheel and deal the best...

Safe migration for Hilsa

Every year millions of fish migrate to their native habitat....

Trump has now got Canada exactly where he wanted it to be

I arrived in Vancouver in mid-autumn last year after a...

Promoting nutrition-sensitive agriculture in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has an impressive development record over the past decades....

Public and private investment in economic growth

Economic growth as well as development of an economy bank...

Periphyton-based aquaculture: Cost-free fish cultivation

The global population is increasing and with it, the demand...

India's white revolution: Will it dazzle?

The largest milk producer in the world, India, produces a...

The settings for national budget FY20

As the new fiscal year is approaching, preparation for the...

Healthy oceans, healthy societies

Over recent years, there have been shocking reports of marine...

SME: Challenges women entrepreneurs face

Women entrepreneurship or 'a woman in businesses' is a recent...

Removing obstacles to financial inclusion

Lately, financial inclusion (FI) has been dominating discussions among development...

Informality in the formal economy of Bangladesh

Globally, the definitions vary, but essentially informal economy means economic...