
Electricity import - an option for meeting energy crisis

Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) has recently signed two Agreements...

Damaging the US brand: Trump alone responsible

Anyone following the saga cannot come away with the impressions...

COP-23 stumbles along as USA backtracks on Paris Agreement

COP-23 negotiations came to an end on November 18 in...

Where were you? asked Gita

We are not winning the fight against human trafficking. We...

Prioritising haor region for inclusive development

Economic growth is not all we need. It's no wonder...

Stand together: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

We stand together in solidarity with the survivors of gender-based...

Is taxing technology a viable option?  

 Both data and theory suggest that job loss threat due...

Bangladesh Bank in the yardstick of CBI

The undue political influence in our country's banking sector has...

Bangladesh women's income on the rise

Early this month, a couple of potential  trailblazer stories passed...

Preparing for the Trump trade wars

Is US President Donald Trump what Maoists used to call...

Growth beyond RMG

Sector-wise priorities have been identified in the national policies, especially...

Britain's gravest economic challenge isn't Brexit

Few British budgets have mattered as much as the one...

Who are the policy makers?

Policy making in the public domain is not centralised but...

The glory and the power of Oval Office tweeted away!

The North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has been the butt...

Saving Somalia through debt relief

Julius Nyerere, the first president of Tanzania, once asked his...

Leather sector holds great promise for development

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has declared leather products the national...

Aid and development in historic perspective

Aid causes different reactions to different people. On one hand,...

When essentials are beyond reach of common man

Supply of essential commodities in markets is quite   normal as...

Responding to the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Over the last 500 years, there have been four major...

Occupational injury in the industry sector: Where do we stand?

Bangladesh is pursuing a growth strategy where the economy is...

Advance Ruling by NBR needs to be well-defined

Customs officials and traders often have differences of opinion regarding...

The cause of smallholder farmer

If change comes from within, then climate action in agriculture...

Democracy beyond the nation-state

According to the Harvard economist Dani Rodrik, it is impossible...