
Trial run of franchised bus

After several hiccups, the much-hyped franchised bus service was finally...

Dealing with Omicron threat

That the new coronavirus variant Omicron is super contagious has...

State of auditing in Bangladesh

This time each year the external auditor knocks on the...

Demographic dividend must not go waste

Parents aspiring quality higher education for their children might have...

World without moral compass

Said to be South Africa's national conscience, Archbishop Desmond Tutu...

Lakeside chronicles in Dhanmondi Lake

When looking for an outdoor place to enjoy a meet...

Muscle flexing and might is right

Usually incidents of gross injustice taking place in rural settings...

Vanishing folk music, instruments

Most of the musicologists call the drum the earliest of...

Precaution and preparedness for Omicron

As the world just started turning around after the first...

Enabling NCTB to play its role

Media reports and practical situation clearly hinted that students are...

Taking care of a special generation

The joy of knowing new things and aspiration of a...

A new morality for a new age?

We have entered a new age that promises great things...

Midnight tragedy on river

The latest in the waterway accidents took place in the...

Beach resort or a criminal den?

If Cox's Bazar is the country's prime tourist spot, it...

Lessons from small- and medium-enterprise support centres across the globe

The vast majority of businesses in the world are small-...

Changing nature of winter

The arrival of winter in the first week of the...

Gabriel Boric: Chile's leftist millennial President elect

Gabriel Boric, a leftist millennial who rose to political prominence...

Homegrown extremism and right-wing violence in the USA

Domestic extremist incidences in the United States have reached unprecedented...

Corporal punishment is a crime against man, society and God

A school classroom is no place for misery, lost hopes...

Erdogan's risky tweak with Lira

Inflation kills the savers and awards the borrowers. At times,...

Protecting rivers to ensure development

Bangladesh is a riverine country. Numerous rivers make a network...

Non-resident Bangladeshi money: If only virtual

Reports on how much money is taken away from Bangladesh...

The Omicron scare

Europe is seeing the spectre of the new, Omicron variant...