
Alternative to SSC and HSC elective-subject examinations

The country's education system has prioritised public examinations, particularly the...

Accountability for workers' safety

It is generally acknowledged that accountability of the executive, judicial...

Safety net programmes -- reform a must

The country's social safety net programmes (SSNPs) meant to support...

Journeys courting avoidable hazard  

The 'hard lockdown' which is now in force across the...

A bank loan that tells a tale of woes

What an irony! Banks are finding it difficult to woo...

Another global financial crisis looming!

After many years of low inflation, prices have risen almost...

Making space travel affordable  

Jeff Bezos, the former CEO and cofounder of the world's...

Youth --- the age of upholding humanity

Hundreds of youths extending their arms of compassion and empathy...

The poor and rising prices of essentials  

The country is going through the most difficult phase of...

Making trade work for everyone

Protectionism is on the rise in many parts of the...

Predicament of Rohingya people

With the anti-junta movement led by the so-called National Unity...

Why reopening schools is a priority

A statement made by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore and...

Harassment-free workplace for women

Workers have been the main asset in Bangladesh's socioeconomic advancement...

Integrating madrasha education system

The education ministry has taken up the move to frame...

Run-up to Eid cattle markets

Following days of uncertainty, the two city corporations have finally...

Looking beyond the apparel sector

It is an undeniable truth that the government pampers the...

Becoming a cashless economy

Over the years, rapid digitisation of financial services in Bangladesh...

Helping emerging digital economy to flourish

Since the inception of the era of information and communication...

Is Bangladesh heading for an India-like nightmare?

Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad...

Boosting the private sector

Bangladesh should embark on a new round of reforms for...

Rain water --- a prospective source of water security

Monsoon this year has approached quite timely.  The Bangla month...

Why Dhaka University is unique

A large section of people in this society takes a...

Indifference during a peak Covid time

At least 14 Covid-patients reportedly died in the country's two...