Lemon farming makes Naogaon youths solvent

OUR CORRESPONDENNT | Published: April 21, 2021 11:31:06 | Updated: April 23, 2021 11:05:42

Lemon farming makes Naogaon youths solvent

NAOGAON: Some fifteen youths of Chakadin village under Raninagar upazila of the district have attained solvency through the farming of China-3 variety of lemon.

Sources said the youngsters started cultivating the popular citrus fruit on two acres of abandoned land in 2019 under the project name 'Sufola Naogaon Agro'.

Now, many other youths from the adjacent areas are contacting the project coordinators, encouraged by witnessing their success in lemon farming, the sources added.

"At first, we collected five hundred China-3 varieties from Bhaturia Horticulture Centre of Natore spending Tk 30 for each of them," said MokaddesSarker, treasurer of the project.

He said, "We took the land on lease for ten years and now we are looking forward to take lease of more land to expand our cultivation as we got expected output in last two years."

Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer, Raninagar, Azma Sultana Sathi said, "China-3 is a seedless variety of lemon which grows fast and becomes larger in size than that of other varieties."

"People of the area are coming to our office on regular basis to know the cultivation process of China-3 lemon and we are happy to cooperate them," she added.


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