The Financial Express

South Asian women breastfeed longer in the world: Unicef

| Updated: May 15, 2018 12:44:06

Breastfeeding saves mothers' lives, too: Unicef

Babies in South Asia are more likely to be breastfed than any other region in the world and are breastfed for longer, Unicef said in a new analysis released on Sunday.

In Bangladesh, only 51 per cent of new-born are breastfed with early initiation within an hour after birth and 55 per cent of infants less than 6 months old are exclusively breastfed.

Breast milk saves lives and protects babies against deadly diseases, it said.

Children should be breastfed for two years and beyond because it provides an important source of nutrients for healthy growth and can prevent half of deaths during a child’s second year of life. Furthermore, it leads to higher performance on intelligence tests among children and adolescents (3 IQ points on average).

“Breastfeeding is the best gift a mother can give her child, as well as herself,” said Jean Gough, Unicef’s Regional Director for South Asia.

“As we celebrate Mother’s Day, we must give mothers the support they need to start and continue breastfeeding.”

At least 98 per cent of children are breastfed at some point in their young lives in Afghanistan (98 per cent), Bhutan (99 per cent), Nepal (99 per cent) and Sri Lanka (99 per cent), and elsewhere in South Asia the proportion is also high at 94-97 per cent.

While breastfeeding is almost universal in the region, there are still a lot to do to improve the quality of practices.

Early initiation of breastfeeding within an hour after birth and exclusive breastfeeding among infants less than 6 months old remain sub-optimal.

Unicef supports addressing the gaps in breastfeeding practices. One of current initiative is Mothers@Work programme that supports working mothers in the Bangladesh’s garment sector to continue breastfeeding upon returning to work.”

Breastfeeding for longer periods is important for mothers’ health; for each year a mother breastfeeds, her risk of developing breast cancer falls by 6 per cent.

“As breastfeeding for two years and beyond brings immense benefits, we would like to commend mothers in South Asia, for showing the way forward. Nevertheless, we still need to encourage and support them to prolong breastfeeding and breastfeed no matter their financial status,” said Harriet Torlesse, Regional Advisor for nutrition in Unicef South Asia.

Recent analysis also showed that babies belonging to wealthier families are more likely to miss out on continued breastfeeding.

In South Asia, UNB reports, 81 per cent of babies aged 20-23 months from poorer families are breastfed compared to only 57 per cent in richer families.

This trend is seen across the world with 7.6 million babies not being breastfed, and babies in the world’s richest countries are most likely to miss out.

On Mother’s Day, recognised in May in over 128 countries, the global Every Child ALIVE campaign is celebrating mothers and babies and their right to be supported through pregnancy, delivery and birth.

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