Workshop over ensuring leadership training for students stressed in Rajshahi

FE Team | Published: August 15, 2018 13:20:15 | Updated: August 17, 2018 11:40:10

Postal Academy, Rajshahi

Ensuring leadership training for students and the youths in particular has become an urgent need for transforming them into worthy citizens, said speakers at a function in the city on Tuesday.

They viewed role of youths as well as the students is very vital for creating mass-awareness together with forging a social resistance against extremism and militancy at higher educational institutions.

As a whole, the students should be groomed as social watchdog so that they can contribute to society and the nation positively.

The observation came at the closing session of a two-day “youth leadership workshop for the members of students’ forum” in Postal Academy training room.

Centre for Communication and Development (CCD) organised the workshop in partnership with Democracy International Bangladesh and project for Engaging Youth People against Violent Extremism and Religious Militancy.

Some 38 talented students from Rajshahi College attended the programme which was organised with the main thrust of boosting peace, harmony and tolerance among the participating youths through enhancing their leadership and competence.

Partnership and Grant Manager of Democracy International Bangladesh Zahid Hassan, CCD Director Golam Mourtoza and its Joint Director Shahana Parveen, Project Coordinator Mehedi Hassan Tanveer and Facilitator Shamsunnahar addressed the session as resource persons.

The discussants unequivocally called for ensuring safe spaces for youths for their proper physical and mental grooming so that they could be transformed into worthy citizens for betterment of the society.

They observed leadership and capacity development among youths in general is very vital for making them social contributors, BSS reports.

The youths need safe spaces where they can come together, engage in activities related to their diverse needs and interests, participate in decision making processes and freely express themselves to attain the cherished goal.

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