Active youths of JCI Dhaka Prestige working towards inclusiveness 

FE Online | Published: May 08, 2022 21:16:42

Active youths of JCI Dhaka Prestige working towards inclusiveness 

Ensuring inclusiveness and equality is the precursor to realising sustainable development goals. In a country like Bangladesh, there is a lot to be done by the people and organisations to ensure that these SDG related goals are met – so that the country moves forward toward a better future. 

Without utilising the strength of Bangladeshi youth, the journey towards a better future would be even more challenging. Hence to join hands in solving the problems of society, active youths of Junior Chamber International (JCI) Bangladesh’s latest chapter JCI Dhaka Prestige has taken up projects and programs to ensure inclusiveness and equality. 

On April 23rd, JCI Dhaka Prestige held its second general members' meeting (GMM) along with their iftar get-together and presented their ongoing projects. 

JCI Bangladesh is a non-profit organisation that aims to have a substantial impact on society by bringing together young active citizens who believe in positive change.

During the GMM the executive body of JCI Dhaka Prestige presented the plan of action to the members along with the chapter’s budget and also the upcoming projects and events. 

Some of the notable projects and initiatives details are as follows.

Inclusive Dream Project (IDP): 

After conducting a survey in Moulovibazar’s Shahbazpur union, youths of JCI Dhaka Prestige found out that one of the reasons students of Khashia tribe drop out is the cost of education. 

To solve that, they have sponsored one year’s necessary school supplies and other expenses to the primary students of Khashia Panpunji at Shahbazpur Union. 

IDP Project Lead Kazi Farhana said, “An ethnic village in Baralekha, Moulovi Bazar, called Kumarshail Panpunji, where there is no cell tower or google map or internet, lives children of Khashia Tribe whose dreams are limited to Pan/ Betal Leaf business.”  

“It is difficult for them to be influenced by the same things that influence us to dream. Fortunately, we could reach them. The Inclusive Dream Project is launched to spread that a dream shouldn’t have boundaries.” 

She also added, “The next phase is to equip the school with Laptops, projector, sound system and internet so that they can see the world we see. Anyone who wants to tag along or donate to the cause, will be helping build us a better future. Thanks to Lecture Publications Ltd. for being the primary sponsor and the contributions of the JCI Dhaka Prestige team for making it possible.”

Women on Wheel: 

This initiative is supported by JCI Dhaka Prestige and it has been cofounded by its members. Women on Wheel (WOW) targets to build a community of women drivers in Bangladesh and provide necessary resources, training, guidance and build a support system that encourages more women to own and use their own transportation freely to commute and travel in Bangladesh.

More information to be found here- 

Other notable initiatives taken by JCI Dhaka Prestige were the clothing donation program and several networking events among members.

During this members' meeting that was held last month, they vowed to take training and projects towards helping the underprivileged as well as build on their goals of working towards inclusiveness and equality. 

During the GMM new sub-committee chair of the chapter was also announced by the existing members and the oath-taking ceremony of the sub-committee member was also held.

The GMM's special guest, Mahmudul Hasan, the Managing Director of Lecture Publications Ltd, was presented with a token of appreciation for sponsoring the inaugural project, the 'Inclusive Dream Project. 

Sharmina Akter Patin, the founding and 2022 Local President of JCI Dhaka Prestige, believes that if young active individuals work together, meaningful change can be achieved in society. She further stated that JCI Dhaka Prestige's projects not only have a social impact but are also in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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