Encourage businessmen to pay VAT by behaving nicely, Kamal tells officials

FE Team | Published: December 10, 2021 19:48:17 | Updated: December 21, 2021 18:11:56

Encourage businessmen to pay VAT by behaving nicely, Kamal tells officials

Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal on Friday urged the revenue officials to behave nicely with the businesspeople to encourage them to pay VAT without being intimidated.

"I tell those who collect VAT, increase your involvement with the people," he said at a function on the occasion of VAT Day and VAT Week 2021 in Dhaka, reports UNB.

Addressing the Board of Revenue officials, Kamal said, "One thing you have to keep in mind, do not put too much pressure on those who are paying taxes."

"Everyone wants to pay VAT," Kamal said adding "But due to complicated legal process, many people are not able to pay it."

For this the law has to be simplified, he said. Businesses will come forward on their own if the process of filling forms is simplified too, he said.

"Many people want to pay VAT. But they are afraid that once they start giving, they will not be able to get out of it. That's not right," the minister said.

On the occasion, the Finance Minister presented awards to the nine highest VAT payers at the national level for the fiscal year 2019-2020.

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