The Financial Express

30 missions successfully achieve July-Feb export targets

| Updated: April 18, 2018 22:06:02

30 missions successfully achieve July-Feb export targets

Around 30 Bangladesh missions abroad out of 57 have successfully achieved their respective export targets in the first eight months (July-February) period of the current fiscal (FY18).

The key Bangladesh missions like the ones in New Delhi, Berlin, Ottawa, Canberra, Tokyo, Tehran, London, Madrid, Washington, Athens, Kuwait, Seoul, Mexico City, The Hague, Rome and New York achieved their export targets.

Some other missions, including Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Moscow, Manila, Muscat, Manama, Jakarta, Baghdad, Riyadh, Stockholm, Colombo, Beijing, Brussels, Yangon, Geneva, Hanoi and Copenhagen, failed to achieve their eight-month export targets, reports BSS.

The overall export earnings for the July-February period of FY18 amounted to $24,397.05 million against the strategic target of $24,402 million, showing a slight fall of 0.02 per cent over the strategic target.

Of the 57 Bangladesh missions, some 27 missions could not meet their respective export targets set for the July-February period of the current fiscal, according to the latest statistics provided by the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB).

The 30 well-performing missions are New Delhi, Berlin, Ottawa, Canberra, Tokyo, Tehran, London, Madrid, Washington, Athens, Brasilia, Hong Kong, Nairobi, Kuwait, Amman, Male, Seoul, Port Luis, Mexico City, The Hague, Warsaw, Cairo, Tripoli, Doha, Pretoria, Rome, Thimphu, Islamabad, Tashkent and New York.

Out of the 27 missions that missed the export target, the export growth of 15 missions - Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Moscow, Manila, Muscat, Manama, Jakarta, Baghdad, Riyadh, Lisbon, Stockholm, Rabat, Katmandu and Colombo – was higher than that of the corresponding period of the previous fiscal (FY17).

The export growth of the remaining 12 missions - Beijing, Brussels, Yangon, Dubai, Geneva, Beirut, Hanoi, Vienna, Copenhagen, Darussalam, Bangkok and Ankara - was lower than that of the corresponding period of the previous year (FY17).

The EPB figures reveal that out of the 18 Bangladesh missions having commercial wings, nine have achieved their export targets while nine others could not achieve their respective targets.

The nine missions with commercial wings, which achieved their respective export targets, are New Delhi, Berlin, Ottawa, Canberra, Tokyo, Tehran, London, Madrid and Washington.

Although the nine commercial wings could not attain their July-February export targets, but the growth of four Commercial Wings - Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Paris and Moscow - was higher than that of the corresponding period of the previous year (FY17).

The export growth of the remaining five Commercial Wings - Beijing, Brussels, Yangon, Dubai and Geneva - was lower than that of the corresponding period of the previous year.

The highest earnings over the July-February period, some $4,329.9 million that is almost one fifth of the total exports, were registered by the Berlin mission, followed by some $3,940 million by the Washington mission and $2,818.9 million by London mission.

The strong showing from EU member states continued with the Madrid mission fetching $1,647.9 million during the July-February period of this fiscal year.

The next was the Bangladesh mission in Italy, which earned almost $1,078.14 million, followed by missions in Ottawa and The Hague, with about $740.24 million and $841.4 million respectively. The New Delhi mission managed to fetch only $531.97 million.

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